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[Table] r/buildapc — I'm the owner/founder of PCPartPicker. Celebrating 10 years of PCPP + /r/buildapc. AMA (pt 2/2 FINAL)

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Questions Answers
What would you say is the biggest "bottleneck" for the site right now? Thanks for all that you do. Like code-wise? It's kinda spread out right now balanced across things. Every time traffic doubles, something architecturally breaks. I think next to break would be our cache infrastructure, then the number of db queries we make. But we survived Black Friday and Cyber Monday, so architecturally we're probably fine until next year.
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out of curiousity how hard is it to redesign these things when they break? Depends on what it is. First version of the site ran everything on a $20/mo single 256MB RAM instance. Then we had a traffic spike the same time processing a large Newegg catalog and it ran out of RAM. Just paid more money for a 768MB RAM instance which bought me another year. Then that migrated to a separate db from frontend. Then separate offline task/feed processing. Usually you see the issues cropping up months before they break, so you have time to prepare. Our current pricing architecture was years worth of work and iteration though.
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How much of this did you learn on the job? Or were you already proficient in designing scalable systems before starting PCPP? There are a lot of articles that talk through different sites and their architectures. Those often provide some good info on why they chose what they did, what broke, how they fixed it, etc. For smaller stuff like ours there are pretty standard patterns. Eventually you'll hit a point where some aspect of that starts to fall behind. That's when you can adjust your setup to your particular performance needs. So I guess what I'd say is it has been a mix of reading how larger players do it, and then using that to guide our architecture.
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What arch are you using? AWS? Azure? Other? AWS
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I'm assuming you're the AWS Arch, SysOp, Dev? Yep.
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Very nice. How long have you been doing AWS? About five years I think? It's not the cheapest but it's been great for us.
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The resource costs more, but you save in not having to have more people on staff to support it. Did you switch from On site? Datacenter? We were at a different (smaller) cloud provider. Before when that provider would go down, people would harass on twitter telling us to fix our stuff. Now when AWS goes down, half the internet goes down with it so people blame AWS and not us. That's been kinda nice lol.
How formal is the required attire at The Eggies? Hahahahaha. I'll never forget what you told me - that everyone probably thought I worked for intel because I wore a suit. The card said evening/cocktail attire! That event was an interesting experience.
What has been the weirdest PC you have seen in your life? There was a guy who brought a grill PC to QuakeCon several years ago. As in, grill on wheels. Flip open the grill and the monitor was on the top half, and the components were in the bottom half. That thing was so awesome.
I think it might be this Yes! That's it!
Can you guys add the NZXT H1 to your cases? We hope to soon. We need to incorporate some modeling for cases so that we can list them with integrated cooling first.
What are your thoughts on things like Stadia and online/cloud work environments where having high-end computer parts don't matter as much as a solid internet connection? Do you see the relevance of PCPartPicker waning in the near future or do you think building PCs will still be a thing a generation or two down the line? I'm not too worried about it to be honest. If it becomes prevalent, that's ok. I think there will always be a DIY side of things even if latencies reduce enough to make cloud setups viable.
Hi Phillip, about 8ish years ago I was learning how to code web applications and was a total noob. I sent you an email with beginner questions and you answered. Just want to call out how much of an impact that made as now I’m a Staff Software Engineer at a tech company. That's awesome! Congrats!
What's your favorite cheese? Eh, maybe Parmigiano Reggiano?
Do you sometimes get items to review/test or to thank you for your website? When we were filming content for youtube we'd get stuff to review/test. But we never really pushed hard for it. Some manufacturers would let you keep the stuff, others would ask you to send it back. I think if we had started doing product reviews we could have opened up the review sample floodgates but we never went there.
Do you use PCPartPicker yourself to pcpick parts? Yes.
? Correct - all the components are entered manually. There's a team of people who do that, and I do very few these days (mostly the CPUs). We don't scrape for that data but we have some tools/dashboards to make it a bit easier.
Umm hi Pc Part Picker, I'm a huge fan! When I watched some yt vids on pc building back in the day, I was lead to your site where I discovered a platform to share lots of cool builds and ask questions to others when I was making mine. While this has been said before I'll say it again, your site has been massively helpful and had been a cornerstone in the pc gaming community because of how good of a resource it is, so thank you so much. So anyway... 1. Who chooses which builds get featured? I love hopping on and seeing what creative things people do with their builds. Is there an upvote criteria for it/do some just get recommended? 2. What got you into custom PCs and gaming? It'd be super cool to hear your story and what got you to make this site in the first place. ty! Alex already mentioned #1 - Ryan picks. (I'll also second the good photos. For me great photos of a good build will win out over bad photos of an epic build.)
2) - Growing up the last family computer we had was a commodore 64. The IBM PCs and clones were too expensive. Later after my brothers went to college I'd borrow my dad's work laptop to play warcraft 2 over a serial cable with friends. My first PC was scraped together as cheap as I absolutely could because I didn't have a lot of money. I think my first build was ~$350 minus OS but including monitor (bought for $100 at an auction) and a bunch of secondhand parts. I upgraded that PC to a Celeron 300A running 450MHz my junior year in college and it was so stupid fast for me. But that too was a budget upgrade at the time. I ran that build for another 4 years I think? By that time I was out of college with a full-time job, so I had a bit more discretionary income to spend on PC stuff. So long story short, custom PCs for me started out of budget necessity. Later when I had more money it shifted to being able to get exactly what I wanted.
What's your stance on RGB? My kids love it. I like it if it's subtle and not distracting.
What’s one feature most people don’t know about/use? I’ve only ever used pcpp a couple times, but I’d love to get more familiar with it! Probably parametric selections.
ok, so first of all, thank you so much for this service. Without it, I would have been lost on my first PC. Secondly, the question. What were the specs of your first build? AMD K5-133. 80MB hard drive. I think it had 2MB RAM, but I can't remember.
Idk if this has already been asked and answered, but did your ever expect it to become so widespread and popular? Not even close. I thought if I was lucky it'd make enough for my wife and I to go get coffee. I had planned to work on it for about a year, learn Python and Django, and then move on to something else.
No questions at this time - I just wanted to use this as an opportunity to thank you for contributing to KBMOD's Extra-Life campaign over the years. Literally, tens of thousands of dollars, all of which you didn't have to donate. What Extra-Life does for kids is great, and you are a big part of that. Thank you. :) KBMOD was one of the first groups that started using the site. They had me on their podcast waaaay back. I had a newborn who barely slept so I did that interview in my car parked in my garage. They're great guys, and I'm more than happy to contribute to what they've done for Extra Life.
Have you ever thought about stopping work and stepping down from owner of PCPP? If so why? Like if I could retire? Selfishly and honestly, yeah, all the time. I don't because I feel like PCPP is only about 10% of what I want it to be (feature/functionality-wise). Too much unfinished stuff.
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You have done me and my friends countless benefits with this tool. We definitely take it for granted and I give you my gratitude. Your compatibility notes have saved me more times than I’d like to admit! Anyways, here are my questions. 1. If you could travel back in time to 2010, and give yourself advice for the future, what would it be? 1) - great question. Had to think about it for a bit. Mostly I wouldn't say anything at all, because my naivety early on kinda helped? There were some problems we'd have to solve later that I didn't really know how hard they were when I first started. Had I known (like how terrible most retailer price data quality is) I may not have ever tried to do it?
One of the things that was really hard for me the first several years was the emotional roller coaster. When I left my job to work on it full time, it was a heavy weight of responsibility. What happens if it fails? What happens if I screw up royally? The highs were higher and the lows were lower. And I could go from the highest high one day (just got mentioned on website X or Y) to the lowest low the next day (retailer Z cut commissions by a factor of 4, or a new competitor popped up cloning all our features and data but with better UI). The emotional swings were really hard to deal with. Over time I've learned to temper that, so the bad days aren't as bad and the great days are good. I'd tell myself that when it gets a little crazy to just take a breath, slow down, and take it all one bit at a time.
2. Have you ever thought of expanding beyond computer hardware and doing something else? For example, another program. Have a great day! 2). We've looked at other niches. We launched a cycling site similar to PCPP. We learned a lot along the way but unfortunately it just didn't work out. The concept might be viable in other niches, but it's not something we're going to consider pursuing for at least another year.
Are there brands who tried to pay you guys for higher rankings? Yes. But we don't do that. I guess it's pretty common other places because we get asked for that a lot. Essentially paid placements or people wanting to pay to win the buy box price - which we don't do.
Thanks for all the hard work! Could you expand on the issues you faced when trying to make MTB part picker work? Remember the project being unfeasible and closed but would really love to hear you talk more about it. Is MTB another one of your personal hobbies? Our cycling site was pretty hard to shut down. That one hurt. We ran into a couple things: people build new PCs ground up every few years. Bikes on the other hand are usually bought pre-built and are rarely ground-up builds. PCs are economically viable to build ground up, where bikes aren't unless you're $5K+. And at that price point, you're probably buying from a local bike shop you've got a relationship at rather than our site. So most of our traffic/sales were cockpit or weatear oriented. Lots of tires. Data entry for compatibility for full bike builds was really expensive because it needed really intense domain specific knowledge. So the site basically wasn't profitable where it was actually referring sales.
I'm not a MTB guy, but I do enjoy bikes. I don't ride that much though. I converted an old hybrid to a 1x drop bar setup for commuting to the office, so I'm super excited to be able to ride that once COVID goes away.
What was the hardest part? Work-life balance.
First off, thank you so much for creating what has become an integral part of PC building for not just myself but for all my friends as well. I always tell anyone who is new to the PC scene to build their rig or check for compatibility using PCPartPicker! My questions is, I feel it's become second nature to me and so many others to check the price history as well as set alerts for any potential components that do go on sale in the future. PCPartPicker is an awesome site to do this on but I feel like there could be more to it. For one a PcPartPicker mobile app would be awesome along with notifications of sales on components one wishes to be alerted on. Are there any plans to do bring an app to the market or maybe even go further with price alerts for components that users want to be instantly notified on? We hope to launch a PWA version later this month that will support push notification price alerts (on platforms that support it).
Hello pcpartpicker love your website, you are a god among men. Question: How fast does your crawler work? In an era like now where RTX 3000 series and Ryzen 5000, Radeon 6000 disappear in an instant, do you think your crawler could be fast enough to "catch" and display stock before they get sold out? We can run very fast - < 10min latency on full product catalog updates, or < 1min latency on select product sets.... if we had that kind of availability from retailers. Only one offers that though. The rest have data feeds with latencies too high to use for catching GPU stock right now. (If you watch closely enough, you'll find that even retailers have caching latencies between product pages and product category pages. The category page pricing can be out of sync with the product page pricing. If they can't get it the same on their own site there isn't a chance we'll get better latency from their feed.)
What is the future of PcPatpicker? I know you added Cycling Builder but that seems to be discontinued. Are you planning on expanding into any more fields similar to Cycling or was that a one-off thing? For now we're going to focus solely on PC. We learned a lot trying to launch Cycling Builder. I don't plan on going after other niche markets for a while, if at all.
Hey Philip and team! Two questions: 1. How do you handle low quality data/data integrity issues from your partners? For example duplicate listings made by marketplace sellers on Amazon 2. Would it be possible to add RGB compatibility to cases and related components, or would that be hell? I think it might be helpful for me builders to know that their Asus Mobo isn't going to support their MSI RGB controller, for example. :) Thank you!! We generally only list the buy box winner. In the past we've had to do some validation on marketplace sellers that would show low base price but exorbitant shipping. But Amazon seems to have filtered that out a lot more than what we were seeing 5-6 years ago.
Do you have the hammock up at the new office? Serious aside, big congrats on yout progress over the past decade. Its been great to see first hand how this community has evolved since you made pcpp your fulltime gig! Thanks Jappetto. :) I had the hammock is up in the back of the office but Jack took it down to make room for the reno... :(. One day, one day.
I know this is such a small feature to ask for: but would you be willing to make the line on the price history graph “hold” and slidable for mobile users? For example, on my iPhone in safari, I can tap different points on the graph and prices pop up. But I can’t tap and hold the line on the graph and slide it left or right (with the idea being the prices would change dynamically with the hold and slide method). Regardless, I really enjoy your website and all the work your team has put into making it such a great tool for the pc building community. It’s the first place I send friends who are new to building and want to get an idea of what’s required. Can look into this for sure. Probably a touch/drag event I'm not handling.
What was the most difficult technical challenge you faced? We've since removed the feature, but doing lowest-price calculation on a part list with parametric part selections and combo deals was probably the hardest problem so far. The general algorithm itself isn't bad, but rather it's doing it hundreds of times a second across hundreds of thousands of prices, and getting an answer back in < 100ms for each. That was hard, but fun.
Have you considered cooperating with userbenchmark website? I liked to check my pc parts there before i purchased and they have sophisticated database, maybe some kind of collaboration could boost both websites, what do you think? We're working toward sourcing our benchmark data internally where we can control every aspect of the process.
Hey, I have a question: Your price history software is probably the best implementation I've found so far, with specific retailers and the like (in comparison to say CamelCamelCamel which just shows Amazon and 3rd party), is there any possibility to expand this to maybe more tech related products? Maybe even a whole new site, because it's *really really good* We could. We have the price tracking across retailers already. But it'd be a bit different of a site - just price comparison. It requires a bit different workload to populate that stuff. On the PC side, the data entry is pretty expensive because we model all the bits for compatibility. For general purpose price comparison though, it's more just aggregating pictures and random specs that don't have specific meaning. There are data sources for that available, but from what we've found the quality is really low. I'm not sure if that's something we'd want to do (listing stuff with spec data we don't source ourselves, and with filtering that wouldn't be as detailed).
Thanks you guys rock. Would love if there was a way to do rebates through pc partpicker, and letting you guys get a cut. Any chance you can add in bundle sales? Sound like that could be complicated but super useful. We ran bundle sales listings for a few retailers for several years. We ended up removing them because they were often unreliable. One retailer even had bundle deals listed that were more expensive than the sum of the parts. It was a huge hassle both on the implementation and data quality side, so we ended up removing it.
PCPP, Jesus Christ, thank you so much. You helped me make my first build, and now my second one. You have helped so many people, and I hope you understand how much everyone cares about the resource. For my question, what was your first experience with technology? Computer-wise my grandparents gave us a TRS-80 color computer growing up. Had minesweeper some submarine game can't remember the name on the cassette tape drive. Later we got a commodore 64. But I was more into audio than computers until I got to college.
Not sure if the AMA is over now or if this has already been asked. If so, no worries. Thanks for making pcpartpicker. Its been imparitive to pc gaming and pcs. But what are your hobbies and passion outside of computers and gaming? Do you have any other pet projects like pc part picker? And do you have any pets? I love building stuff. Anything really, but electronics and lately 3d printing. Used to do a lot of woodworking but that stopped when I had kids (no time these days). Love swimming, and picked up running again when COVID hit.
Hey, thank you so much for what you do! Its really cool! If i had one thing to suggest, it would be to improve the estimated power consumptions as i've had some issues with that before But i'd love to ask -- what was the biggest hurdle you had to jump to set up your system? The biggest hurdle was probably convincing retailers we were worth working with early on. When we were small no one knew who we were, and so when we'd ask if we could list them they only saw us as another price comparison site.
Might you have any plans to open source/license your part search engine for other hobby projects? I can think of several "assembled from standard components" type things that I really wished I could use PCPartPicker on. We tried it out for cycling, but it didn't click like PC did. We've had suggestions for a number of other niches. The challenges are partially product modeling, and partially getting part numbers for everything. The latter is surprisingly hard.
Considering that the idea literally spawned from relevant work at the time, was there ever any intellectual rights issues? Was that ever a worry in your mind? Appreciate the work and due diligence with the AMA. I talked with the company about it to confirm that there wouldn't be any overlap or competing interests. I had an appendix/page/whatever-the-name-is added to my employment agreement saying it was ok to work on it.
Replying again in this thread because the OP deserves experience 7 years ago with him... ...and now my son is studying computer science in college. I kinda like to think this helped...thanks Phillip, you are the MAN! Awesome! I'm happy that we got to be a small part of that.
What are your thoughts on the shortage of hardware, bots, scalpers, ebay listings, and so forth? It stinks. Everyone has different opinions on who should get their cards first. Or whether different approaches (scalping, scraping, etc) are ok or not. So personally I'm just sitting back while supply catches up and then I'll try and get a card once it all settles down.
What are your other hobbies aside from PC stuff? I got my first filament 3d printer last year and absolutely love it. I love electronics in general so anything involving that. (For instance here's the beginning stages of a motorized minecraft chicken alarm clock for my son: I absolutely love tinkering on stuff like that.)
Regarding cases, I know we can sort by full/mid/itx etc., however I wanted to ask if there were plans to add dimension sorting, like by width. Is that just a lot harder to pull off? We're really constrained width-wise on that category view and how many columns we can show. We could put it in there, but we'd have to drop other columns to make it work.
What is your favourite Christmas movie, and Christmas time food? Elf. We watch it every year. My wife made me watch it every year after we got married, now we both make my kids watch it every year.
Not really Christmas food specifically but around Christmas time my wife makes a certain Chex mix that I love. That or the scones she makes.
Thanks for building a truly useful site with no extra crap. My question...What are some of your favorite retailers, and why? I wish I could answer this. I've had some really great retail experiences - both with pre-sales help and super easy returns / RMA service. If I retire from this one day I'll be happy to say who those were from.
What’s your favorite console? My kids really aren't that into consoles, so we don't have a PS4/5/Xbox here. Tried to get them into the Switch but they don't play that either. The last console I spent significant time on was a Panasonic 3DO that I won in a competition and had Street Fighter for.
Thank you for everything with that website. It's been a godsend as I build PCs for friends and friends of friends. I only have one question. Why doesn't Amazon appear in the price history graphs? We only show price history for the retailers when we have permission to.
Thanks for helping me build my first PC this spring. If I have to ask a question... what's your favourite pizza? Pepperoni from Via313 (Detroit style). manirelli is from Chicago so I'm sure he's a bit opinionated on this question.
Pcpartpicker but for bikes? I heard this almost happened. Im in the market for a new bike and a site like that sounds so awesome! We launched a cycling site, ran it for roughly a year, and then decided to shut it down. It just didn't work out unfortunately.
How many times have you built your own PC? For myself personally? Lots of little odd systems here and there for linux servers, experiments and whatnot, so probably a couple dozen. For work related stuff, both at my old job and via PCPP, several dozen more.
What do you think was the break trough point in your sites history. When did you really get things going? I'd say the inflection point happened probably April 2011. That's the point where I realized that this might not be a side project after all.
Avid PCPartPicker user here. What are your plans for the future of PCPartPicker? PWA version later this month, benchmarks and youtube content again next year. Those are the main things. Otherwise lots of small things here and there.
Thanks for the help for years! How do you guys feel about newegg attempting to implement pcpartpicker like software internally on their own website? I figured it was inevitable, and I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner.
1. Is it still coded using Django? 2. Any thoughts on making parts (heh) of it open source? It's written mostly in Python and uses a lot of Django, yeah. No plans to open source it right now.
Would you consider becoming a stockist for pc parts in the future? No plans on selling stuff ourselves. We have no real expertise in that and the margins are super tight.
u/pcpartpicker just wanted to ask, how are you? Doing ok. Feeling like I'm finally starting to come out of a year's worth of development burnout.
Any more info on development for the app? Hoping to release the PWA version this month.
What’s your favourite food Mr. Partpicker? Sushi, but rarely get to eat it.
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I’m assuming that’s because of your location relative to the closest ocean Oh I'm no connoisseur. I like just the simple stuff and it doesn't have to be on the coast or at a fancy place. The issue is that it's expensive, my kids won't eat it, and I don't want to eat at a restaurant because of COVID (and I've never been big on sushi takeout).
PWA PWA PWA! Hopefully by the end of the month.
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Oh no. I'd never seen that. It hurt my soul. And they all applaud at the end too, like a real life emperor has no clothes moment.
What kind of revenue do you make? Slightly more than expenses.
First, Thank you for this wonderful tool. For suggestions, PCPP works pretty good in America and Europe, but when it comes to Asian countries, most of the times it's not very helpful as it shows very high prices. So, kindly see to this! manirelli: If you have suggestions for retailers you can always send a message on our contact page:
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For example - pcpp shows me a price, but if I directly go to the official site, it's very less. Like in amazon, most of the time, it's due to difference in sellers. So, is there an option to automatically select the cheapest option? We have some special rules in place to prevent unreliable listings from showing but the default is to show the lowest price based on the information provided from the retailer. If you have a specific example I can take a look.
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Specialist-Hippo9328: Ok, thx. I got that. I don't have a specific example right now FUS_ROALD_DAHL: Maybe see if you can find one. It's not every day you have a developer offering to look at your specific issue. ThoughtA: You're not wrong, but we see every single piece of feedback like this and devote time to them. For example, if you send us a ticket about it via our Contact page, you will get a human response 100% of the time.
oh, man. how blessed are you? that websites doing great. lol. is awesome. manirelli: Very blessed and thankful every day.
I was hoping you'd shed some light on what you consider to be current gen PC specs for an AMD build. Think in the $1000 price range. Maybe something like the 3600 CPU and the rx 5700 GPU ect? Thanks! manirelli: We've got a number of guides at and around that pricepoint:
I really like your site, im sure it has helped countless people, including me, and saved us countless hours of researching. Theres not enough good things i can say to express our appreciation, so im gonna be real and talk about areas that need improvement. For me, that is price availability updata, at least for canada. i find it not as useful as its intended to be, half the time it doesnt show the store and their price. And its not even a small store, its big ones like amazon, canada computer, bestbuy! I mean i dont expect real time updates for every store, but i remember x570 tomahawk being available in many stores, different prices, but on pcpp, it showed no price no stores for months! And there were quite a few items that i found in regular big retailers that just simply didnt show on pcpp. So ultimately, i could only use pcpp for 3 things, keeping lists of diff builds, compatibility check, and if i dont know where to start looking for a component, i could use filters to narrow it down to get a few models, and google to compare and look deeper. I cannot rely on it for price alert anymore, i had to manually set up wish list with every retailer, and check them individually, which i believe is one of the problems pcpp was designed to resolve. I really wish i can start trusting pcpp on prices again. ThoughtA: If you have any examples, now or in the future, we would very much appreciate you reporting them. Usually it's because there's an issue with the merchant's data (even the big ones), but that doesn't mean we necessarily wouldn't be able to do anything about it.
You can send me a message on here, post in our Request Additions / Corrections Here forum section, or send us a contact request.
First of all, thank you so much for PCPartpicker. And for a question, what is your favorite feature in the works and/or one that is already in PCP? (Sorry if that made no sense.) manirelli: Oh that has to be [redacted]
Probably got to this late, but I'll give it a shot maybe somebody gets to it. What parts should a long-term, sort of "layaway" build focus on first in regards to price changes? Meaning, what products fluctuate in price the fastest and/or most substantially? Also what parts should an amateur builder obtain first without worrying too much about compatibility/obsolescence if the rest of the build takes a bit more time to piece together? Might be a little vague I know, but basically I got a new job in tech where I will sometimes need to work remote and the work I do isn't going to be possible on the budget laptop I'm rockin' these days. My goal is to put together a PC powerful enough to remote my new job and hopefully a strong enough GPU to handle my gaming hobbies as well. Dual purpose, but I won't be able to buy it outright, was a tough year. It will be a build I slowly pay for and piece together over the next year hopefully. This might not be the type of question you guys are fielding but thought I'd give it a shot. Love to hear what the pros think. I've used PCPartPicker in the past to help friends put together their monster gaming stations when they first got started, I have a lot of faith and respect in this tool. ThoughtA: If you don't have a use for the component before the build, I'd largely hold off on buying piecemeal over a long time. There's some wiggle room when it comes to parts that don't directly impact performance such as the case or PSU, but even there there will be advances made, aesthetics changed, and preferences evolved. Better to have a beefier emergency fund than a video card collecting dust on the floor when that video card could be cheaper later (current stock issues notwithstanding). That being said, if you're fight stock issues, see something in a particularly deep sale (if it impacts performance), or see something on a decent sale (and doesn't impace performance), then it's not so bad to have at it. Additionally, if you do have use for the component, such as throwing the GPU into your build that you plan to replace later, then any part is fair game.
Why don't you make the various flags and data points required for items as they're entered? Fans, for instance, not every one lists a decibel rating. ThoughtA: We do have a number of data fields that are required for entry. However, requiring certain data fields would create more problems than they'd solve it. This is often the case for specs that are not always listed. If case fans required decibel rating to be added, there would be fans that are just never added to the site because that spec data is missing for them.
If the data is there, we will always add it regardless of whether it's a required field. The data field required status mostly just helps with human error, which we try really hard to cut down as close to zero as possible.
Much doubt you will see this but ill drop it anyway. Pcpartpicker has helped me an insane amount. I have friends, friends of friends and other people who want to build PC's and I always use Pcpartpicker to ensure im not buying the wrong parts. This site has been one of the most useful sites and has helped me make some cash on the side (from building PC's), and I will be forever thankful for this (not to mention that the user compatibility is one of the best i have ever seen and so simple). I did want to ask a question however, all the prices accessible are always in american dollars (which I take is where most your customers are from) but has it ever been thought to move it to a more world wide option and show prices in the selected countries. In each country in the world there are places where people buy from. I feel this would add on to make things quicker and simpler. For example: South Africa has a site called Switzerland has a site called digitec (Of course there are many more, but these are the primary ones) manirelli: We currently support 37 different countries. The country dropdown is in the top right corner of the site. If you have additional retailer recommendations please send them via our contact page:
Bruh this is cool. 1. Will you ever add micro center as a price option? 2. Do you think you will ever make a dark mode for the website? We’d love to work with them. We had some discussions with them but then they stopped responding.
On desktop the switch is on the top right corner of the site. On mobile, tap the profile icon and then the switch.
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Why do my fans never turn off? Running an old ASRock motherboard with an AMD Phenom II processor. BIOS is updated, latest update of Windows 10, all updated drivers, etc. 2 fans plugged into a splitter to the fan header on my motherboard + 2 more plugged straight into my power supply + the cpu cooler fan all stay running when my computer goes to sleep (on it’s own, or when forced to sleep). Monitor still goes to standby after 10 mins. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I already tried a clean install of Windows with no background apps running and fans still stayed running. manirelli: The fans plugged into your PSU molex will run at 100% - that is a limitation of molex. Modern boards can control fan speeds on some 3pin headers but one that age may not be able to. It will depend on the specific hardware (mobo/fans) involved. Feel free to stop by our discord and ask in the troubleshooting section. Pictures will be helpful.
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Online gambling legislation and regulation. Starting your own gambling product.

Online gambling legislation and regulation. Starting your own gambling product.

Mobile gambling
If you plan to develop an app with the ability to deposit and withdraw real money, then such a product automatically falls into the category of gambling and you will need to license your business for successful operation.
Mobile and Web Based Apps
So let’s talk about the different kinds of online gambling apps available on web and mobile. We’ll be covering both free-play gaming apps and real money casino app games you can find for iOS, Android devices and web browsers.
Mobile gambling is more common for poker, casino, bingo, and skill games. They have advantages in terms of a low barrier to enter the market, instant liquidity, product knowledge, and marketing expertise, minimal infrastructure costs, and the ability to bring a brand to the market quickly. Consequently, this form of gambling does not sit neatly with jurisdictional boundaries. Multiple gambling opportunities are available, including betting on various events and markets, in a relatively simple format. Gambling products can also be integrated into betting on television shows or virtual racing and sports games as well as offering lotteries, bingo, poker and casino games.
Most Popular Gambling Apps
Sports betting, casino, poker and lotteries are the most popular forms of online gambling. However, other forms are available too. These include the following: Bingo, slot machines, different card games, roulette and other game of chance. One of the best things about online gambling and betting apps is the number of choices you have.

Sports Betting

Betting means making or accepting a bet on the outcome of a race, competition, or other event or process, the likelihood of anything occurring or not occurring, or whether anything is or is not true. Today most sports betting is done via mobile-friendly sites and apps.
Today most sports betting is done via mobile-friendly sites and apps.
The introduction of live betting for sports like soccer and tennis means that bettors who are sitting inside stadiums watching games can now pick up their mobile devices and find real-time betting value with the best sports gambling apps. This has really unlocked a door to the future of sports gambling and the popularity of online gambling apps.


Many sites offer free poker, where no real money is wagered, although in some cases players can accumulate credits that can be exchanged for prizes. This is the case why people are going to play for real money. There is an ongoing debate over whether poker should be classified as a game of chance or skill. The parameters of legal poker playing are still unclear and differ between jurisdictions. Since you are not gambling with money, I’m pretty sure under the law it’s just a video game for now.


Blackjack is the game of choice to many high-rollers and do you know why? Because blackjack is a challenging, logic and skill-based game where your thinking, strategy, and calculations determine the outcome of the game.


Bingo is one of the most popular and socially accepted games in the world. Bingo is a traditional form of gambling that has seen considerable innovation in recent years. It is also the only form of gambling recognized in the Gambling Act that does not have a specific statutory definition, the Act providing simply that “bingo” means “any version of that game, irrespective of by what name it is described”. Bingo must be played as an equal chance game. For game to be classed as “bingo” it must meet the Act’s definition of “equal chance gaming” (as opposed to casino gaming). Thus, it: must not involve playing or staking against a bank, and must be a game in which the chances are equally favorable to all participants in the sense that each ticket or chance has the same probability of success as any other.
Licensed bingo is a well-regulated and socially responsible form of gambling that takes place in a safe environment. Many sites offer multiple forms of bingo with different features, types of games, and costs of play. These sites often cater specifically for women and some research suggests that they may appeal to markets who would not typically engage in traditional forms of gambling.


Slot machine is one of the most beloved game among the gambling community and it has been a part of the industry for a long time. They provide fun and entertainment and their simplicity allows gamers to start playing at once. This can play out in different ways depending on the machine you’re playing. For instance, there’s Pick a Fortune, a five-reel, 20 line game that puts players right in the studio of a television game show, including the potential to play a Deal or No Deal-style bonus round. A super trend over the past few years is mobile-friendly slot games. These apps and websites were developed to enable players to enjoy their favorite games on their smartphones at any time. Another dominant slot trend is licensed branded slots that are based on popular movies, television, and musicians.
Virtual Money vs Real Money
Let’s find out the difference between social gambling and real money gambling, as well as the differences between gambling through apps and gambling through a web browser. It can be quite confusing trawling through all the casinos, slots, and lotteries available, both through your mobile web browser as well as through mobile app stores, in the form of downloadable apps.

Virtual money

The main difference between virtual money and real money gambling is that the in-game virtual currency in social games and gambling-type games is used only like credits that are not paid out as winnings or anything given to player in cash, making these games exempt from gambling regulations.
Virtual money is loaded on user game accounts via in-app purchases in mobile applications or the game balance funding from a card via web based applications.

Real money gambling

Real money gambling via your mobile device is only allowed in countries where laws have been passed that allow for this type of gambling online, or there are no laws in place that prevent it. The payment systems are the legal way of services payment in the gambling app, performing as the intermediary between the gambling facility and the client. With their help, users replenish deposits and withdraw funds to personal accounts in financial institutions. If the application uses the payment system of a well-known brand, that gives players additional confidence in the resource. Nowadays, there is a wide range of payment systems, some of which operate all over the world, other systems are oriented towards the citizens of one or several countries. A number of services accept money of different world currencies, while others allow currency transactions of one state only.
What is an Online Gambling Licensing
The internet has a global audience, there’s no single piece of legislation that covers the legality of online gambling for the entire world. Mobile gambling doesn’t typically accept customers from every single country in the world. It often focuses on certain specific regions.
Instead, most countries have their own local laws that deal with the relevant legal and regulatory issues.
Ultimately, questions of legality all go back to the location of the casino or where the website operates out of. In closed regulatory systems, such as Italy, France, and the Netherlands, licenses, and advertising rights are limited to domestic providers, which must be located within their country’s geographical boundaries and these are only permitted to offer some types of products. Some jurisdictions, for example, Norway, Sweden, and Canada legalize and regulate online gambling, but this is limited to a single site that is owned by the government. Under such an approach, the government becomes the operator and regulator and all revenues are returned to the government.
Remote gambling is generally permitted. That means that an operator that is licensed may provide gambling services to citizens in the country via all forms of remote communication (and using equipment that may be located in the country or abroad). Equally, a remote operator may be licensed to offer gambling services to citizens in any jurisdiction in the world using equipment located in the country. The law provides that, for each type of gambling (betting, gaming, and participating in a lottery), there will be two forms of license available: remote and non-remote forms (land-based). If you provide facilities for remote gambling, online or through other means, and advertise to consumers you will need a license from the licensing jurisdictions or local licensing authorities. Before an online gambling site signs up its first customer, before it accepts its first bet before the first card is dealt, it must be licensed by a recognized governmental entity.
Certain regions in the world have specific legislation in place that allows them to license and regulate companies that operate online gambling sites or provide industry services (such as the supply of gaming software). These regions are referred to as online gambling jurisdictions or licensing jurisdictions.
Depending on what type of entertainment you are going to implement in your internet establishment, you will have to apply for the corresponding permissions. Online gambling laws in Europe vary from one country to the next. The industry is well regulated in some countries and less so in others. There are several online gambling jurisdictions located in Europe. Some of these are members of the European Union (EU), and thus subject to the various rules and regulations of that body, while others are independent. Each of these jurisdictions has an authority that’s responsible for approving gambling sites for licenses that enable them to offer their services legally. They also regulate their licensees.
Countries that Provide Gambling Licensing
Today there are lots of licensing jurisdictions located all over the world and offering different terms for their customers. Depending on the country, licenses can be local, international (distributed in several countries), have a different set of documents for registration, costs of registration and further support, various operating conditions and other special details.

Which gambling license is both internationally recognized?

The government of Ireland offers casino operators, software, and service providers in the gambling industry, with a gambling license that allows gambling operators to conduct business related to casino, lotto, and other gaming-related activities. Ireland Gambling License is one of the most popular license for online casinos worldwide. Ireland has long been recognized as one of the preferred locations for Online Gambling operators to base their operations. This success has been due to a combination of factors, such as a progressive legislative system, political stability, first-rate telecommunications facilities, and a well established financial services industry. A wide range of gambling sites operates out of Ireland including sports betting, casino sites, poker, bingo, and more.
In stark contrast, the UK is the largest regulated market for online gambling in the world, and corporations are already comfortable exploiting the intersections of gambling and gaming, betting in-play, social gaming, Bitcoin, financial trading and spread betting, betting exchanges, e-sports and, most profitably, mobile gambling. 40% and 60% of online gambling in the UK took place in Gibraltar.

International licensing

Europe is home to the following online gambling jurisdictions: Alderney, Gibraltar, Isle of Man, Malta. Malta is currently the country that is most accommodating to gambling companies, and the license offers whitelisted online gambling in sports and casino games in many European territories. But takes an extreme amount of time in paperwork and background checks. Also, you pay 5% of all your gross profit to the EU.
Among countries offering gambling licensing services, the attention should be paid to Curaçao jurisdiction, which is considered to be one of the most promising for the online gaming business.
Curaçao Internet Gaming Association (also known as Curaçao eGaming) is both a regulator and a licensor, and its licensing works worldwide except Curaçao itself, USA, France and Netherlands. Using Curacao as an example, let us examine in detail the process of obtaining a license, the necessary documents and expenses.
How to get a License on Curaçao
  • Documents necessary for company registration:
  • criminal record;
  • passport scans;
  • bank account confirmation;
  • documents proving payments for utility services.
After the company is registered, an operator can apply for the license providing the following documents:
  • a document certifying the right of domain possession;
  • description of games planned to be used in the project;
  • a list indicating countries of potential operation;
  • illustration of server locations to be used in the project;
  • a copy of the agreement with a software provider.
Gambling license cost:
  • Bank account opening $1000
  • Company registration $3600
  • Company management per year $3600
  • Application processing fee $1000
  • License fee per year $4800
  • Equipment/software fee starting from $1500
  • Server maintenance per year $6000
Apart from that pay for technical support and maintenance every year. The entire license issuing process takes between 2-4 weeks. Curacao Internet Gaming Association (CIGA) also has the power to review a license and, if it finds that an operator has breached a license condition, has the power to impose a range of sanctions including revocation of the license.
Apple and Google Gambling Rules
You’ll be surprised at the limited number of real money gambling app options available on the AppStore and Google Play Store. Most real money casino gaming is done through gambler’s mobile web browsers and not through mobile gambling apps that you’ll find for iPhone and Android phones. Apple allows online gambling applications in a few forms, and not just in places where it is explicitly permitted. They do not allow any payments through the applications – those have to be done on the websites. Apple has far stricter developer guidelines for iOS apps than Google does for Android apps, so it’s fine to assume that whatever you choose to download from iTunes is usually safe, secure, and meets a certain standard.
Any real money casino in the iTunes app is required to have proper licensing and permissions before Apple will approve the app for use or downloads. While Google Play is technically regulated, it is much more loose in what can be hosted.

Apple Store

Gambling, gaming, and lotteries can be tricky to manage and tend to be one of the most-regulated offerings on the App Store. Apple has rules for apps that support real money wagering, including sports betting and poker. Those apps and lotteries must have necessary licensing and permissions in the locations where the App is used, must be geo-restricted to those locations, and must be free on the App Store, and Apple rate even simulated gambling apps as appropriate only for users 17-years-old and up.

Play Store

Google keeps the reigns tight. To be able to successfully upload apps to the Google Play store, developers need to have a valid license for the specific countries they are targeting and comply with their regulations. The app must be free to download and must prevent under-age users from gambling in the app. As a final precaution, all gambling apps are required to display prominent information regarding responsible gambling practices. This brings its policy in line with the Apple App Store.
Countries where gambling is illegal
It is also important to remember that while gambling is growing rapidly in many places, in others it is totally or partially prohibited. As well as in the majority of the US, sports betting is illegal in India, Pakistan, and China, three of the largest gambling markets in the world. Most countries have rules against gambling. Almost all Islamic countries prohibit gambling of every kind, but many turn a blind eye to online gambling or simply do not have regulations in place for this grey area.
In the United Arab Emirates, however, any kind of gambling is prosecuted. National lotteries are the only legal forms of wagering on the Asian country’s mainland. Cambodia, North Korea strictly forbids online and offline gambling amongst its own citizens but allows tourists to participate in these activities.
Qatar is the strictest country of all when it comes to gambling laws. All forms of gambling activities are considered illegal, and even sports betting is not permissible.
Starting your own gambling product
Numerous online casino platforms in the market offer fantastic casino games like bingo, poker, roulette, and many more.
If you have an idea, but don’t know where to start, we advise you begin with a Minimal Viable Product (MVP) to pilot your proof of concept for investors. MVP spotlights your core features and lets your investors know there are bigger and better things to come.
For MVP you do not need a large team, just a few people are enough to create a fully functioning prototype. In the case of successful numbers of your prototype, the further development of a full-fledged product will require more team, resources and time, however you will be sure that your development and your costs will pay off.
submitted by Fgfactory_ua to gamedev [link] [comments]

[Detailed, Long Review, TLDR inside] My not so great experience with the Pixel Slate

What follows is my review after 8 months of owning the device.
So I want to preface post by saying this:
  1. If you have a Pixel Slate, and love it, I am not here to make you change your mind about the device. Honestly, nothing makes me happier than seeing people happy with the things they own. Even though I love Toyota, if you love your Fiat I am so happy for you! If you have an iPhone and love it, I am so happy for you! If you have a Pixel Slate and love it, sincerely, I am overjoyed you are having that experience. (As long as you don’t laude your Fiat, iPhone, or Slate as somehow fundamentally better than everything else at everything and can’t admit any fault with it.)
  2. I am writing and sharing my experiences here because I believe nuanced discussion and fair critique's on individuals experiences with a device is beneficial to everyone. No one benefits from unadulterated praise of a device. No one benefits from dismissing or covering up the claims of problems with a device.
  3. This isn’t a passion-write. I have contemplated my feelings and experiences with the Pixel Slate over the course of months. I tried to be insightful without sounding silly. This may end up with me sounding, silly. At least I tried. I even used spell-check!
With that being said, here is my review of the Pixel Slate, I'm ready to be downvoted into oblivion.

My use case:

I am a math professor and grad student and this was my only laptop/tablet. So my usage is heaviest in Squid either writing notes with no wireless projection, projecting myself writing notes via my chromecast, projecting myself writing notes via HDMI, doing screen recordings of myself writing notes with no projection, and Chrome with many tabs (8-10 usually?), faculty email, student email, personal email, online portal for homework, online portal for textbook, an article a colleague sent me, an article on some area of mathematics I'm researching.... Reddit. So much reddit.
I had some light video 'editing' to regularly do because of Chrome OS' screen recording limitations. This was primarily simply converting a video from.webm to .mp4 which was outrageously slow. No good offline, fast video converters seem to exist for Android or as an extension.
I had a few calculator apps I used like WabbitEmu (free ti-84 emulator! Check it out), natural scientific Calculator, the offline Geogebra android application (an AMAZING graphing calculator. DEFINITELY should check it out), and Calc Business (a sort of Casio FX-115/991 emulator). I didn't do much gaming, but for a time I played A LOT of Old School Runescape on the tablet (3-6 hours a day) and Drastic (Nintendo DS emulator).


Purchasing the device, I expected to have something I could reliably teach, take notes, do light gaming for mobile applications, and tend to my personal things (paying bills online, emails, Netflix etc). Make no mistake, I had no expectations of going crazy hard on this thing. I understood it only had 8GB of RAM and a 7.5W "core i5" 2 core processor. At any time, I did not have all my above usage scenarios going. I might have a half of my Chrome use case going (4-6 tabs) and squid going at the same time. Exclusively a game and a guide in chrome for said game.
I understand there are limitations of the hardware I choose to purchase (primarily i5/8GB/128) and did not ever seek to push the device beyond what the hardware should handle in order to show fault (i.e. opening 40 tabs, 8 games, 12 other android applications, connecting to an external monitor and then planting my flag of victory in the ground when it finally crashed.) That's nonsense and would be unfair.
I do not expect any operating system to be bug-free. There will be launch day bugs. Google developers are rushing to meet the deadline of the Google Hardware event. (even though it was released more than a full month after it’s announcement and had extra time to iron things out).
Things happen, oversights happen, mistakes happen, these platforms are developed by human beings and I do not expect these human beings to be perfect, as no human is :). But I was expecting a software experience similar to my Pixel phones and other flagship Android devices I’ve had in recent years. Where 99% of the time I can expect the device to power on and work. Maybe I need to force close an app once because of a bug, and then not have it again ever or have it, or having to reboot *because* of a bug once and then not have that bug again, or even just have to reboot outside my normal rebooting schedule once or twice a month because of a bug.

Hardware: Mostly Unadulterated Praise

I really do feel the Pixel Slate shines so brightly with its hardware. The screen to body ratio, make it perfect for handling. It offers iterative improvement upon the Pixelbook's controversial bezels and I think that's a fantastic thing. While I am walking around classrooms lecturing, it’s nice to have large enough bezels to comfortably hold the tablet with one hand.
The bezels on a 6 inch phone should not be the same as the bezels on a 10 inch tablet. The bezels on a 10 inch tablet should not be the same as a 12 inch tablet. I say this because I have personally used a 10 inch tablet and a 12 inch tablet. I need more "grip room with the Pixel Slate due to the increase in size and 'awkwardness' while holding it.
Sitting at a conference table with colleagues with Macbooks and iPads felt so deliciously sweet. Watching them have to bring two devices to the meeting, two cords and power bricks, have to airdrop things from one device to another in order to make edits and then airdrop back… Oh my goodness, being able to bring one device to the meeting, one cord, and never even have to take my file off-device in order to make trackpad level accuracy adjustments and keyboard additions, then flip it back over for pen edits felt like God-mode. This flexibility felt so convenient, I do really believe the 2in1/detachable to be the peak form factor for laptops/tablets.
The speakers were fantastic! When they worked. For the first 6 months of owning my slate, the left speaker would die after a few seconds of video. Just about any video, be it in the netflix app, netflix in the browser browser, offline video, browser youtube, android youtube, etc.. One of the major version updates fixed it (after 6 months of suffering with the bug) and I didn’t have any issues with it since then.
Compared to the Pixelbook, I can really feel the improvement 8th gen chips brought. On my pixelbook playing Runescape for an hour would make the center of the top part of the keyboard fire hot. Others have reported the same experience. On my Pixel Slate, it gets warm, but never unbearably warm like the Pixelbook did.
I now have a Lenovo C740, and I am hugely missing having USB-C ports on both sides of my Pixel Slate. It’s quite annoying to have to snake around a USB cord to the opposite side, then provide extra slack so I am not putting unnecessary strain on the port and cord. I also have a Tab S6 and only having one USB-C port has become annoying on more than one occasion.
The weight of this device was great. Being able to only have the tablet in hand while teaching was crucial. I’m 193cm tall (around 6 foot 4 inches) and I exercise regularly. But holding my previous Chromebook, the Pixelbook for a 3 hour lecture (even for a one hour lecture) one handed, while trying to write on it left my wrist so incredibly sore! And this is with the pixelbook being an incredibly light device!
But with the Slate, It seems as though I could detach it from it’s keyboard and hold just the tablet and write indefinitely without causing any discomfort for myself, the slate |1|. (an absolute unit, absolutely #1, math humor, sorry not sorry.)

Software: Bugs! Bugs as far as the eye can see!

Let’s talk about the pros:
Throughout my ownership, I never really experienced slow-downs. It stayed fast exactly as Google advertised. As a matter of fact, I do believe some version updates to Chrome OS made it measurably faster at different places in the OS and I love that about Chromebooks.
I loved being able to have adb/fastboot on something so incredibly lightweight.
Seamless updates and the trackpad gestures for Chrome OS are just fantastic. They are something I miss to this day now that I am on Windows. There’s quite a few pros I see mentioned in every chromebook review, so I will do you the mercy of skipping those as I am sure you’ve already heard them a few dozen times.
There were days, weeks even where everything is running beautifully smooth, the whole OS top to bottom is responsive and quick, the birds are singing, the sun is shining, I’m switching in and out of tablet mode writing with the pen and then typing something, people are offering comments like:
“Wow, that is so cool.”
“Wow, I wish my Macbook/laptop/tablet could do that.”
“Wow, what is that device? It’s so cool.”
“That’s a chromebook!?!? And you’re doing all of that!?!? That’s amazing!”
“Wow, you’re so cool for using that, here’s a ring, will you marry me”
Legit, while in one of my classes for my degree, I had a professor stop his lecture in front of 150 students ask what the hell I was using and was amazed by it. He asked if he could hold it up in front of the class to show off what it was and what it could do. He offered public praise for it over an iPad. (I wonder if he was a chromebook user himself... But I kind of doubt it, he was a bit not so technologically incluine)
There were times using the Pixel Slate where everything felt sublime, I truly felt like this should be the future of operating systems.
But experiences like this were prefixed and suffixed by much longer intervals of painful, experience crippling bugs. My God, I suffered through so many instability bugs. The rampant bugs even caused the woman who just proposed to me because of the chromebook to leave me!
Now…. All these cons.
The total killjoy of the Pixel Slate is the software. I can not reliably trust it to work and not crash several times in my daily workflow.
Honestly, I have never owned any device on any stock OS that was buggier than my Pixel Slate. I was primarily on the Stable Channel for maximum….. Stability. I tried the Beta Channe, and no, it was not more stable than the SC for me. I tried the Dev Channel on my Pixelbook when I had that, and just- No. No no no no.
This felt worse than an Alpha. I’ve used more stable custom roms for android phones than this. Comparing Chrome OS to a custom rom for android seems like an insult to Custom ROM devs. Custom ROMs are the result of a handful of ordinary folks coming together to produce a fork of android for free in their spare time. Google has full time employees working on Chrome OS and can’t put out something anywhere close to as stable as some custom ROMs I have used for longer than I have owned my Pixel Slate.
Here is a list of bugs I personally experienced over **multiple Chrome OS versions.**1 and 2 have videos accompanying them I
I’m not counting bugs I experienced say exclusively in Chrome version ‘x’ but were not present in Chrome version ‘x-1’ or ‘x+1’.
  1. A combo bug and design oversight with not being able to use the fingerprint sensor after not using the device for sometimes less than an hour. Then when I try to put in my pin, a stupid persistent help message covers up the 1,2, and 3 button.
  2. While in tablet mode, the bottom half becoming unusable in overview mode and Chrome. The top half works perfectly fine, but the bottom half does not. The shelf disappears and becomes useless as well.
  3. Android Notifications being broken for over a full YEAR. Many android applications no longer opened their app when I pressed on their notification. Pressing the notification yielded….. No response. Mark as read did nothing, reply did nothing, archive did nothing. Be it notification from Boost (a really great reddit client! Check it out!) , gmail, google photos, telegram, telegram x… They all resulted in no response when pressing on the notification.
  4. The pen’s palm rejection. I don’t even have the stupid MKBHD gripe of “ThErE’S nOwHeRe tO PuT iT” it’s a stylus, put it in your pocket, your laptop bag, or use a pen loop dingus.
The palm rejection area being hilariously low. Causing all sorts of random touches to occur while using the advertised Pixelbook Pen. (which in itself is an incredibly fragile, lame, and poorly thought out stylus. Especially given Samsung’s excellent, nearly decade old template of the s pen. Along with Microsoft’s Surface Pen, the Apple Pencil, Wacom Bamboo Ink, Lenovo Active Pens, the list goes on and on...)
This has since been ‘fixed’ with the introduction of the heuristics flag. Seriously, if you have a slate and use the pen and are getting frustrated by the touches, go to chrome://flags in the omnibar, use ctrl+f to find the palm rejection flag and turn it on.
  1. General random crashes when switching between having two apps open like Squid and a Calculator or squid and Google Home, when putting two apps into split-screen, connecting to an external monitor, crashing when waking up from sleep, wifi randomly not working and needing a reboot… These did not happen consistently with every release, there were times I could do the action that triggers the bug for days, but have no crash associated with said action. However, they consistently happened in multiple chrome versions.
What irritates me about bugs 1, 2, and 3 is what they represent. These were not difficult to trigger bugs. These were bugs with ordinary, simple, basic usage someone who is actually using the device as advertised, (A tablet you can write on with a real keyboard that has android apps you can use alongside the full desktop chrome browser)
I remember getting off an airplane to head to a conference. For whatever chrome version it was (I believe 75) it had been rolled out, and then the rollout had been paused due to bugs. The rollout resumed once Google said they fixed them, and this was the update I received within the airport. Within 5 minutes of me rebooting, while only having Squid, Boost, Xodo, and 2 chrome tabs open, I encountered bug 2 from above.
It is experiences like this that convince me of a few things. I believe the reality to be a bit more nuanced and complex, but here is a simplified version of my beliefs caused primarily by bugs like those mentioned above.
  1. Nobody in leadership at Google is actually using or even testing the device in the advertised use cases.
  2. Despite nobody using the device, they’re so apathetic to not even consult users and professionals who are actually using the device in order to get feedback and ACT in measurable ways on what they should improve from that feedback in an appropriate time. I can not quantify what exactly the length of a process like this is, but I do know it does not take over a year like some of the major bugs I experienced.
  3. Management/Project Leads do not care at all.
  4. Many ‘worker-bees’ are not working to fix these bugs or at all.
  5. There is no Quality Control on releases. Before say a stable release gets sent out, it’s not internally tested to guarantee it’s not a shitshow.
Obviously, there are people at Google that are passionate about what they do for the Pixel Slate, and honestly if I ever met them I would hug them and buy them dinner. But to me, it seems clear these beautiful specimens of humanity are not in charge of making major decisions for releases for the Pixel Slate, or doing the right thing would come at the risk of losing their job/getting in serious trouble.

Summary: The Legacy of the Pixel Slate is it is emblematic of Google’s strategy with Chrome OS (and perhaps it’s entire product line-up).

If Google invested real time in developing quality software, the Pixel Slate could have been a halo device not only for chromebooks, but for all 2 in 1 devices on all operating systems. Instead, I feel “All talk, no walk” summarizes Google, the Pixel Slate, and Chrome OS. Google gave a half-assed attempt at a tablet chromebook. When their half-assery was openly put on display and criticized by the tech media/blogs (even if MKBHD’s review of the celeron slate was not representative of a half-informed buying choice), they got pissed and decided to take their toys home and close up shop. Simply put, it’s pathetic.
Google with tablets is the kid who constantly pushed you and bullied you in elementary school, in return you kindly socked him in the nose, he started crying and ran to the teacher and told on you.
This is not to say Google is a bully, but that Google thinks nobody is interested in chrome os tablets from them because they’re not interested in chrome os tablets. That’s not the case, people are not interested in devices Google does not care about itself.
Look at Apple, when the original iPad came out, it was blasted by the media. But Apple stuck to it’s guns and iteratively improved the iPad for over eight years with more than 14 different models of ipad, ipad pro, ipad mini, ipad air. Now they’re some of the best tablets on the market. They are more than that, they are halo devices for the tablet space.
Again, look at the example of Samsung. While I have owned the note 9, 5,4,3, and 2 I don’t think Samsung phones are for me, the OS is too obtrusive. I like my phone to be simple and clean like Pixels. But touchwiz for tablets? It feels like a love story. It’s clear that Samsung is intentionally developing more software and hardware features to cater to the demographic of people who use tablets. There are so many software features Samsung has added that make the experience of using a tablet more natural. I have the highest praise for Samsung’s tablets. (Currently own a Tab S6, sold the Slate and bought a Tab S4)Similarly with Microsoft. When the first few Surfaces launched, they met their fair share of criticism, and yet Microsoft, just like Apple and Samsung, Microsoft stuck to their guns and continued to iteratively improve upon the surface for years and years.
Google made one chromebook tablet with fantastic hardware and crap software, pouted nobody bought it, then gave up.

In Closing,

Again, I would like to reiterate, if you love your Slate I am so happy you do. If yours has been stable for you, excellent! I’m happy for you. But I wanted to share my experience of owning it for 8 months.
I really do not believe the problems were hardware related as some of the bugs were confirmed on other chromebooks of completely different makes. Yes, I powerwashed multiple times throughout owning it, and bugs persisted. I enabled stability improving flags, the same bugs persisted. I disabled all flags, the same bugs persisted.
Anyways, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
TLDR: It's a buggy shitshow.
KTLDR: It's kinda a buggy shitshow that has moments where it really shines and moments where it is so buggy it pains my soul to even look at it.

Edit 1: Some clarity, forgotten thoughts added.
Edit 2: Here's an audio recording of myself I made if you would prefer to listen to this.

Edit 3: Cleaned up and clarified some more things.
submitted by MrWilsonxD to pixelslate [link] [comments]

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